What are your rates?
Headshots/Portraits: $400 for 1hr
Family/Engagement: $500/hr
Artist: $200/hr or $100/hr + trade. I love working with fellow artists. And I get it. We are constantly working our bums off to get our art into the world and make a living. This is why for some artists, I do the 50/50 option - hourly price is cut in half because the other half is supplemented by a trade.
For the headshot sessions, do you help me get ready? I do not have a stylist, so you will have to come camera ready. However, being a photographer and actor, I can help with makeup/wardrobe recommendations and guidance if you are not sure.
Do you do a lot of retouching? No! I am a firm believer in capturing you - and that means light on the editing. Of course, if it is a headshot session or wedding and you’re having a bad skin day, I will remove some spots here and there, but do not expect an airbrushed face. I see it more as I am helping put your best face forward like it would be on a good skin day. I don’t know about you, but I grew up looking at too many photoshopped models in magazines and I refuse to follow that unhealthy trend.
How many photos do I get? It really varies! I am very selective in how I choose which photos to send to you. The collection I send you in the end has been carefully selected and thought over. Fret not, you’ll get more than enough!
How long does it take to get my photos and how do you get them to me? You will receive your photos anywhere from 2-4 weeks. I try to keep it on the 2 week side. I understand sometimes people are on a time crunch for a new job or audition, so I can get them to you sooner but please understand that that means I will have spent less time editing them. I send you a downloadable online album that is password protected. For headshots, I will send you an online gallery of unedited images where you pick your 10 favourites I edit.
I really want you to take my photographs, but I have a tight budget. I totally get it. My prices reflect my years of experience, the quality of my work, and price-comparing to other people in my field. But I also want everyone to have the same opportunity and I don’t want to turn someone down who wants to support me simply because they can’t afford to! So shoot me an email and let’s figure something out that works for both of us.
When do I pay you? For artists, I ask for payment day of. Family and miscellaneous bigger sessions, I ask for a non-refundable 25% deposit upon our booking. The rest of the payment I ask for 1 week prior to the session. For headshots, it is a 10% deposit upon booking. The rest of the payment is due day of shoot.
I understand life happens. Kids get sick. You got asked in to work. You may need to cancel or reschedule. Please give me an at least 24hr notice and depending on the situation we will figure it out!
Do you use a watermark? It depends. Sometimes when a potential client is previewing images, I will put a proof watermark on low res images. Depending on the type of shoot, your images will either have no watermark on them or if they do, I make sure it is small, tucked away, and not distracting from the image.
Will you travel? Oh, of course! I love to. I do charge the federal rate of $.67/mile after the first 20miles of my current location if your location is drivable. If train or plane is required however, I ask for airfare/trainfare and accommodations (if needed) be covered.
I noticed you shoot on film as well, will you do that for our shoot? If the moment compels me, which, honestly, it usually does, I do snap a few images on my film camera. I currently do not charge extra for this as it is something I do as a bonus. Of course, the film takes time to develop so you will get the images later than the digital. If you want to do a session 100% or 50% on film, please email me as rates will have to adjust for fluctuating film and film processing costs.
Question not answered here? Shoot me an email! kara.hakanson@gmail.com